Middleton Marketing Blog

What Is An Independent Digital Marketing Consultant

Feature image for the article: What is an independent digital marketing consultant. The image shows a sunflower, a rose, and an artichoke flower about to bloom. This represents how one single flower can be beautiful and how an independent contract can help businesses grow unexpectedly as a freelancer.

If you are reading this, you may be looking for an independent digital marketing consultant. You may have simply typed marketing consultant or independent consultant. If that’s the case, you are probably looking for someone who is freelance, has integrity and, most importantly, can help you with your marketing journey. I’ll explain what makes a […]

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How To Get Into Freelance Content Marketing and Copy Writing

A illustration of flowers to represent how your organisation will bloom and grow with Middleton Marketing the freelance marketing consultant with a focus on eco-friendly work.

After the great resignation of 2020, we’ve seen more people wanting to get into freelance content marketing and copy writing. While it’s not as easy as many on social media make out, it can be a rewarding profession with many perks. With the potential for flexible hours, remote working and higher wages, many people are

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Ethical Issues in Marketing

Ethical issues in marketing

Countless ethical issues in marketing make the industry a distrusted sector. From pushing overconsumption through to gross sales tactics. Stereotyping and greenwashing that damage rather than help society. Plus, fake appeals to inclusivity. Traditional marketing has a significant rap sheet. Of course, it doesn’t have to be this way, with more companies, including myself, adhering

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What is eco-friendly marketing?

What is eco-friendly marketing

This article discusses ‘what is eco-friendly marketing?’, a common question in today’s ethical consumer landscape. Eco-friendly marketing focuses on the environmental impact of products and services and the ecological effect of the marketing itself. I will share tips for eco-friendly marketing that focus on straightforward, honest messaging and practising what you preach. What is eco-friendly

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Content marketing for eco-friendly brands

Content marketing for eco-friendly brands

Content marketing for eco-friendly brands is easy when your business is based on environmental ethics. Environmentally conscious consumers are looking for brands that support their principles and have a reduced impact on the planet whilst still offering the product they need at the prices they want. You should use your content marketing strategy to provide

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Conscious Campaigns: Trolling the farming lobby with Controversial Food Marketing

Controversial food marketing

One of my very first articles on this blog was about plant-based food company Meatless Farms and its controversial take on vegan product marketing. Over two years since writing, the vegan product market has exploded further, and today I wanted to share another plant-based brand whose controversial food marketing & packaging I think is on

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