Why Work with an SEO Freelancer

Why work with an SEO freelancer

SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) is the cornerstone of any website marketing strategy. You could be on the lookout for an SEO freelancer if you understand how important an SEO strategy is to your business. When it comes to implementing an SEO strategy, there are several options available. You can do it yourself, hire a full-time employee or utilise a big agency. Today I’m going to mainly focus on why you should consider working with an SEO freelancer and what the benefits are to your business.


SEO Hire Options

You may have only just heard of SEO or you might already be familiar with the principles of it. Whatever your stance, there are four main job options when it comes to starting your strategy.


Do it yourself

You can try to accomplish your SEO goals yourself if you:

  • Have the time to work on your SEO strategy weekly.
  • Can dedicate time to learning about SEO techniques
  • Can keep up-to-date with the latest algorithm updates.

I believe that everyone can do SEO. It isn’t the dark art that people like to make it out to be. The main reason that people don’t do it themselves is they don’t have the time to focus on it. If your business is keeping you busy, you’ll need some help with your SEO. If SEO isn’t your industry, then it can be tough to become an expert in two niches. 


Hire an agency

There are dedicated SEO agencies out there that can help businesses grow their website. They frequently work best with larger corporations and have a particular structure to their offering. They also usually have larger overheads. The focus on the bottom line can sometimes take precedence, unfortunately. I have worked with lots of amazing SEO agencies and worked in a digital agency myself. The best advice I can give for selecting an SEO agency would be to have a one on one meeting with the intended account manager. This relationship will be key to your successes. You need to be comfortable asking questions about the service and feel you are getting the right answers and attention back.


Hire someone full time

Some business owners prefer building a team around them. Hiring an SEO specialist is a good option if you require this dedicated role. Smaller and medium-sized businesses may not require an SEO specialist to work full time.  However, it could be a wasted wage if they are not being utilised to their full potential. If you don’t currently have a person filling a dedicated marketing role and you are an SME then it may be more cost-effective to hire a digital marketer who has a wider array of skills. Just ensure they have a good SEO background otherwise you won’t see Organic Search growth.


Work with an SEO Freelancer

An SEO freelancer could be the perfect fit for your company if you:

  • Need to focus on SEO
  • Don’t have the time to do it yourself
  • Don’t necessarily have the budget for a large agency or a full-time wage.

Read on to find out the many reasons why a freelancer can work for your company.


Why work with an SEO Freelancer

Time is Valuable

Time is the main reason that most business owners hire staff and freelancers. You don’t have the time to learn SEO nor implement it. SEO involves a long term commitment and frequently lots of testing.  You created your business for a reason and it’s normally because you are an expert in your services and products. Your time may be better spent elsewhere in your company than focused on the marketing or SEO strategy. 

SEO Experience

If you know you don’t have the time to dedicate to learning and researching SEO, hire an SEO Freelancer. You don’t need to keep up to date with regular changes in the SEO industry. This includes best practices, algorithm updates and technical changes to website platforms. Get a personalised, targeted SEO strategy by hiring an expert. They will understand how to achieve your goals. Plus, they will implement the right kind of campaign for your business and industry.

It can also be immensely beneficial to work with someone who doesn’t work directly in your niche or know your brand inside and out. When an SEO freelancer comes on board, they’ll like to learn about your business. With fresh eyes, they will see potential conflicts and new opportunities. They’ll ask you questions about your company you may have never even thought of. Their experience can be essential to not only improving your SEO strategy but your company as a whole.


Freelancers are generally cheaper than agencies. With fewer overheads and only one employee, the freelancer will be focused on your services rather than the bottom line of a large company. Of course, freelancers need to pay the bills just like anyone else but they’ve chosen their field and to freelance because they love it. You will be paying the freelancer for a dedicated task, SEO, and if you don’t have the budget for a full salaried wage then freelancers provide the opportunity to grow your business as a more affordable option.  This doesn’t mean freelancers are cheap but they are offering a specialised, dedicated service in which you pay a fixed fee or hourly rate. You only pay them for the work involved, whereas a staff member will be paid whether they are filling their time or not. 

Choosing an SEO Freelancer

Working with a freelancer isn’t perfect for every business but it does make sense for SME with a limited budget who need to hand this area over to a specialist. Engage with your potential freelancers, find out where their skills and experiences lie and most importantly find someone that you feel comfortable working with. 

I have over 6 years of experience in the digital marketing world and have worked across multiple industries and niches on both B2B and B2C projects. In this time I have achieved significant traffic and revenue growth for my clients. Though I am friendly, I would also describe myself as firm.  This means you can ask me anything about SEO but I will always be truthful if I don’t think something is working on your website. I am flexible when it comes to working styles and budgets. So, if you’d like to see example pricing for my SEO packages and find out more about my offering then please get in touch. Let’s grow your business together. 

Why work with an SEO Freelancer - 3 times it makes sense

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