Why Case Studies Convert Leads

Why do case studies convert leads

Case studies convert leads and that’s a fact! But why do case studies convert visitors and leads so effectively? It’s because they demonstrate all the factors that make content so important in your marketing strategy.

Why Case Studies Work So Well In Generating Leads

A case study should work like any other piece of quality content. It should tell a story about your brand and build trust with your audience through showcasing knowledge and experience. Case studies are particularly good at this because they are specifically created to show off your achievements as a business without being arrogant.

You Can Create a Story For Your Readership

A standard corporate case study is an intensive study about a company or customers your business has helped. It focuses on just one occasion but it is created to reflect how this service or good can be applied to many different scenarios or help a specific problem that’s commonly seen in your industry. The whole piece should be about building a story about who your company is, what services you can perform and most importantly, how you help your customers achieve their aims. This piece of content allows you to craft the right story for your readership. By the end of the case study, the reader should feel like they know your company and offerings to a tee.

Solve The Problems Businesses Have

A case study usually displays how your company solved another company or customer’s problem. Taking a reader through the steps of ‘problem, suggestion, solution and result’, will showcase how their problem can be rectified by your business. By displaying your expertise in this format, it provides the reader with the confidence they need to make that next step.

The Readers Are Warm Leads

When we look at case studies as a piece of content, they are frequently featured further down a content marketing sales funnel. This means that users who are looking at your website’s case studies are more engaged with your company than someone just checking out a blog. These people would be considered warm leads because they are looking for more information than someone brand new to a website. Case studies are high converting because the people looking at them are either in the right place to make a decision or are making the steps towards it.

Showcases Your Success

As I said above, case studies are about shouting your successes from the rooftop without being arrogant. Case studies display your expertise, knowledge and hopefully some happy testimonials. It is the perfect content package to convert leads because it neatly features your best performances. A lead that is impressed with your offering is more likely to reach out to get the sales process rolling.

Other Content Ideas to Convert Leads

Case studies aren’t the only high converting written pieces of content. They are just one element of a coherent content marketing strategy. You should also consider producing these pieces of content too.

  • Blog articles
  • News articles
  • Whitepapers
  • E-books
  • Online Courses

Not to mention other visual and audible content elements such as podcasts, videos, photos, infographics, music and other graphics that support your message.

Content Marketing Strategy

Want to take your content marketing to the next level but aren’t sure where to start? I can help. I produce ethical and reliable content and copy for a range of businesses in a variety of content types. All of my work is research-driven and my focus is on providing copy that converts leads and gets you sales. Get in touch to tell me about your project and check availability.

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