What Is An Independent Digital Marketing Consultant

Feature image for the article: What is an independent digital marketing consultant. The image shows a sunflower, a rose, and an artichoke flower about to bloom. This represents how one single flower can be beautiful and how an independent contract can help businesses grow unexpectedly as a freelancer.

If you are reading this, you may be looking for an independent digital marketing consultant. You may have simply typed marketing consultant or independent consultant. If that’s the case, you are probably looking for someone who is freelance, has integrity and, most importantly, can help you with your marketing journey. I’ll explain what makes a digital marketing consultant independent in this article. Plus why they can be a valuable asset to your organisation.

What Makes a Digital Marketing Consultant Independent?

A digital marketing consultant is an experienced digital marketer responsible for promoting or marketing a company’s products or services using online marketing channels. They may be advising on a purely strategic basis, or they may also implement the strategy as well. Either way, an independent digital marketing consultant is one that is a specialist in their field and will work with a company or many companies on their marketing plans.

They Are An Outside Contractor

An independent consultant usually works as an outside consultant. Instead of being employed by the business as staff, they are often contractors. Sometimes this can be as a freelancer or as part of a larger agency. While this has many financial benefits, I would highlight one key part of this for marketing. An independent contractor can advise as an outsider. Sometimes, marketing your own business can be incredibly difficult when you know it so well. An outside consultant can see pitfalls, ask difficult questions and implement what is best for business, not what staff simply desire. Independent means they are less swayed by office politics and company history, and they can provide fresh insight when a brand needs it most.

Does not work on conflicting accounts

For a digital marketing consultant to be truly independent, they should not work on conflicting accounts. This means they should only provide digital marketing services for one business in the same field. If they are working on two accounts targeting the same audience with the same products or services, it’s a massive conflict of interest. For example, if the consultant provided similar services to two local shoe shops within the same city, this would be a conflict. But, if they provided services for a clothing brand and a jewellery brand, it would likely be fine as they are two separate niches. Likewise, if the consultant was a specialist in footwear, they could work for local shoe shops, but only if they were in different locations, targeting different people.

A Client’s Best Interests

An independent consultant should be working for their client’s best interests. Any ulterior motive, such as working for a competitor or using dishonest sales tactics, is not an ethical way to run a consultancy business. Independent means I am unswayed by external factors, committing 100% to ethics and to my client’s best interests. If I don’t believe a service is worth their time or money, then I will say so, even when it’s something I offer as part of my services. Independent, as a definition, means not being influenced or controlled by others in matters of opinion, conduct, etc.

Specialises in Digital Marketing Consultancy

An independent digital marketing consultant must be a specialist in this field. This may seem obvious, but many consultants state themselves as a specialist in all aspects when it is an impossible feat. Marketing is a broad topic and you can only cover so much in your education. A consultant can have a good general overview of digital marketing actions, but they must also be wise enough to hand specialist tasks to the right people. In my career, I have worked in all aspects of digital marketing, but I now specialise in SEO (specifically technical, on-page and content marketing). I have abundant knowledge to advise on PPC, email marketing, and social media, and I often do implement it, but for some organisations, I can also point them in the direction of those who are better qualified for such tasks.

Lorna Middleton – An Independent Digital Marketing Consultant

If you are interested in hiring an independent digital marketing consultant with a specialisation in SEO and ethical web design, please get in touch. My name is Lorna Middleton, and I have worked in marketing for 8+ years and have a wealth of knowledge to help organisations grow sustainably. Check out my about page to learn more about my skills, experience and ethics.

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