What to use a freelance SEO writer for

What to use a freelance SEO writer for

A freelance SEO writer could be the perfect solution for your company if you need to expand your marketing efforts without stretching your budget too far. Hiring an SEO freelancer is ideal for many businesses if hiring a full-time employee is not on the cards. By choosing to work with a freelance SEO writer, you can keep costs low with their work focused on specific areas. This article provides some projects a freelance SEO writer can help with.

Freelance SEO Writer projects

If you’re unsure of the benefits of hiring an SEO freelancer, read the articles, Why work with an SEO freelancer and What is an SEO expert? These will both help you understand the role a freelancer can play in your organisation and how they can help your SEO strategy.

New Website Copy

A primary reason to hire a freelancer is for one-off SEO project work like a new website. If you don’t need long term copy but need someone to rewrite the content of a brand new website, then freelance SEO writers can provide a low-cost, short-term solution without a long-term commitment. While SEO shouldn’t be a one-time thing, a new website is definitely somewhere you should invest with a freelance SEO writer.

Product Descriptions

Likewise, creating SEO-optimised product descriptions is another one-off project a freelance writer can help with. The quality of product descriptions is vital to acquiring traffic and gaining sales. By hiring an SEO writer, they can produce detailed, SEO-optimised and engaging copy that entices users to shop. If you are launching a new website or products, getting product pages right from the get-go is particularly important. Many businesses fail to write detailed, beautiful descriptions that inspire, a quality freelancer writer will ensure you don’t miss out on vital sales at the beginning of your business journey.

Blog Campaign

A one-off blog campaign can be surprisingly effective for the right niche and topic. While consistent blog posting is the key to a robust content marketing strategy, a handful of blogs can make a big difference. You can employ a freelance SEO writer to create a bespoke set of blogs for a marketing campaign such as for events, a trending news topic, or to aid customer FAQs. While a freelance copywriter can also provide assistance in this field, a writer with SEO experience will provide a longer-term return with traffic potentially being drawn to blogs for years to come.

Ongoing freelance SEO services

Of course, a freelance SEO writer can provide ongoing SEO services too. Whether you need a consistent blog, service and product copy, or general website copy for expanding your site, a freelance writer could be the perfect option. Not only will they provide consistent content for your SEO strategy, but they can also help monitor its success and help direct what copy needs to be produced going forward. Many freelance SEO writers that provide monthly services will include reporting and consultancy. They may also offer other SEO services alongside their content writing, such as web design work, technical SEO, off-page and on-page SEO and other marketing services.

Freelance SEO Services from Middleton Marketing

When hiring a freelance SEO writer, you must look for the best SEO freelancer that fits your business. They need the right skills, experience and working style to provide your organisation with a bespoke service. Am I the best SEO freelancer for you? Read more about my services and my ethos. If you like what you see, get in touch.

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