The art of repurposing content

The art of repurposing content

Crafting quality content and creating it consistently is a full-time position. One of the most critical parts of digital marketing is producing a coherent and consistent strategy, but it can be hard work if you are running the rest of your business too. So, one solution is to repurpose your content, making it do double duty. In this guide, I’ll show you the art of repurposing content to extend its benefits.

How to repurpose content

Repurposing content comes in many forms. There are expanded content examples, condensed options and ways to utilise the exact same content without changes. My process starts with a blog, but you may have another medium that works for you.

Use a blog as a starting point

I write a lot, both for my own business and clients, so it is natural for me to use blogs as my starting point for crafting content. Article and blog writing is at the core of most content marketing strategies as it provides both valuable content for your reader and helps boost SEO. When you write a blog for your website, you create a perfect jumping-off point for other content forms. This is true when your article is thoroughly researched and provides helpful information. It must either inform, inspire or entertain. Once you’ve got a quality piece of content with plenty of research, it’s easy to craft it into other forms. Below are two key ways to repurpose a blog, expanding and condensing it down.


Expand content

When writing blogs, I often discover new topics I want to explore. By producing lots of blogs, I never run out of ideas and have plenty to expand upon. Here are some ways you might do the same.

Expanded blog series

Create more from that one blog idea. As I’ve just said, writing blogs often leads to other ideas. I may have an idea for an article, but through my research and writing, I realise that there is a lot to cover in just one article. If this is the case, I may split it into two, three or even four blogs, creating a mini-series. Not only can you link from one blog to another, but you also have more to place on your website.


Whitepapers are another way you can extend the themes of a blog. A white paper is a fantastic addition to your site because it can explain more technical concepts in more detail. This educates your reader, creating more trust between them and your company. A blog article can be less formal and written to quickly answer a question. Whitepapers provide the opportunity to expand this content for those looking for more in-depth information. Those who read your whitepapers are likelier to become leads or paying customers. You can read more about the benefits of whitepapers here.

Video Series

As with creating a blog series, you can produce a video series to create a more valuable source of content for distribution. Video marketing is a powerful tool, and more businesses should invest in it. If you already have an excellent blog article, you have a premade script for what should be included in your videos. You can take one concept per video or create a longer format to cover the whole blog topic. I would highly recommend a corporate film production company such as Isaac Who that can provide a polished and professional service.

Condense Content

A quicker win for busy marketers is to condense blogs into easily digestible content. You already have all the copy, you just need to cut and slice them into bite-size chunks.

Social Posts

Social media posts just are short and snappy. Condensing a 2000-word blog article into smaller snippets can provide you with endless social post options. Here are some ideas for different platforms highlighting how much you can create from just one blog.

  • Twitter. Tweet interesting snippets from your article such as stats, quotes and bold statements. You may even ask questions of your audience that relate to the copy. Linking to your article will increase clicks too and provides readers with context.
  • Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn. You can create graphical posts which cover each section or concept in your blog posts. This can provide you with several posts rather than just fitting all the blog information into one singular post.
  • LinkedIn. Reposting a condensed version of your blog on LinkedIn articles is a great way to repurpose the exact identical copy but then drive visitors to your site. You just need to add the basics and then hide the more juicy information in the main article. Link to it in the footer of your article, and you’ll have plenty of people intrigued to click.
  • TikTok. Craft short videos which explain blog ideas in a concise way. With this approach, you can produce countless videos from one blog.
  • Pinterest. Produce pins which explain your blog copy in an accessible and engaging way. Pinterest is all about visuals, so focus on the design as you already have the copy good to go.


While we are on the topic of design focus, infographics are a great way to repurpose content from a blog. All you have to do is take the findings of your blog research and create a gorgeous infographic to share on your website or on social media. Infographics are potent posts which create an engaging way to showcase information.

Email Marketing

Email marketing is still a powerful tool and far from dead. If you have a consistent email newsletter going out, blog posts can be shared in it. But, it’s not just about posting a link directly to the blog you can also do a mini post within the email content and then link to the main one.

Utilising the same content

Repurposing content isn’t just about creating something new, it’s also about making sure you are using your content to its maximum use.

Linking on service and product pages

Service and product pages are often the first places customers will go to check that you can provide the right thing for them. The content of these pages is crucial, but sometimes users want an expansion of information that’s not always best placed on these pages. You can discuss concepts and processes in more detail in a blog article and simply link them on a service page.

Using in your FAQ

Another place to reuse blog articles is in FAQs. This may be on service/product pages or individual FAQ pages. If users are looking for more complex information, they are more likely to convert. So, ensuring you have as much information as possible provides potential customers with everything they need to decide. Furthermore, ensure your blogs are linked throughout your website, not just on the main blog archive page

Post on social

It may seem obvious to some, but many bloggers fail to simply repost their blogs on their social media channels. While they may be focused on your SEO strategy, you may as well gain some benefit through sharing on social media. All you need is to define what the article will explain, include the link and post it on your social channels at the correct times. It’s a simple way to ensure your hard work is shown.

Content Marketing with Middleton Marketing

Get in touch if you are interested in a consistent content marketing strategy that grows your business. I am an experienced content marketer focusing on research-driven, SEO-optimised, transparent copy. My ethical marketing ethos means I will provide quality, honest content that helps your organisation and your customers.

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