Skills of a Technical SEO Freelancer

technical SEO freelancer typing on a keyboard with a coffee and pen and paper

A technical SEO freelancer is there to marry on-page SEO and design-led SEO changes together. They must do this while incorporating technical SEO improvements into a site. A technical SEO freelancer shares many of the skills of other SEO roles. They are likely organised, research-driven and analytical. But they also have some key skills that are specific to their profession. Today I highlight some of the skills a technical SEO person needs to get the job done. If you want to explore this topic more, read the article; What is technical SEO?.

Technical SEO Skills & Experience

If you are looking to hire a technical SEO freelancer, look out for these skills and experience.

Web Development

The majority of technical SEOs come from a web development background and have grown into SEO or they have moved from different SEO areas towards technical work. Web coding is an essential part of all technical SEO. An SEO will need to make adjustments to the code to improve site speed, configure on-page optimisations and improve the design aspects of a site. Technical SEO is all about behind the scenes work that your average joe will never see but search engines will. If you are looking to hire someone in this field, ensure they have adequate coding experience and examples to back up their skill.

Work On Similar Websites

Not all sites are created equal and it’s better to choose an SEO freelancer that has previously worked within your website type. By working with someone who is familiar with your site framework (WordPress, Shopify, Drupal etc) you will get a:

  • Quicker implementation as they will have likely encountered many issues previously so need less research to fix a problem.
  • Strategic approach as they understand the limitations & features of the specific platform.


A technical SEO must perform a balancing act to bring the other aspects of SEO together. While there are guidelines and best practices across the industry, no two websites are the same. There is frequently SEO work where a conflict can arise. Though it’s not always the job of a technical SEO to figure out the best course of action, they can help an SEO consultant or other role decide which implementation is more practical or could impact the site later down the line. Furthermore, they must have a strategic approach to their SEO implementations from day one. Any changes now can have an impact on the way a site works for its audience and search engines in the future.

Design Understanding

Another skill a technical SEO must have is design understanding. Their work needs to appeal to both humans and robots. Technical SEO can get bogged down in creating the perfect site architecture for search engines. However, if the site does not look appealing to genuine customers, the code behind the site will not benefit the company. As with the strategy, the skill, design and technical application is a balancing act. A good example is creating a new product page. It must include all the necessary on-page optimisations but also look good to entice a customer to buy. An interactive graphic may improve customer interaction but not at the expense of a slow site. Consequently, a decision needs to be made on which will be better for the business. This is just one example of the balance between these sides of SEO.

Integrations & API experience

Another aspect of technical SEO is integrations of different software or data through manual integrations or API. This is a great skill for technical SEO to have. It is usually incorrect integrations that can cause some of the most common technical site errors. Involving a technical SEO person in website development will ensure changes are considered from an SEO perspective, not just from a design or development side.

Hire a technical SEO Freelancer

If you are looking for a technical SEO freelancer to implement your SEO strategy, I can help. I am an experienced SEO freelance consultant and implementer. I combine on-page, content and technical SEO to improve my clients’ websites for both users and search engines. With over 6+years of experience in the web development and marketing field, my work focuses on simplicity and speed. I also design and develop websites from scratch with an emphasis on SEO-ready design. Whatever your project, get in touch with me today and let’s grow your business together.


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