Is site speed a ranking factor? A quick guide

Is site speed a ranking factor? A quick guide

Is site speed a ranking factor? Absolutely yes. It’s actually been an official ranking factor for Google for over a decade. While the changes may have started in 2010 at a minimum, the shifting algorithm over the past 10+ years has placed more and more emphasis on site speed as a priority. But, I would still say that what Google stated in 2010, “not to sacrifice relevance in the name of faster web pages’ is still relevant today. Here’s why site speed is a ranking factor and why it should be a top priority for websites in 2022.

Is website Speed a ranking factor for search engines?

Yes, site speed is a ranking factor officially for Google and other search engines.

The vast majority of UK search traffic comes from Google, and since they say site speed is a ranking factor, you can be sure that this is a top focus for SEOs throughout the UK. But, as the leading search engine, other search engines often look to emulate the work of Google. So, you can bet that some of the other big players like Bing, Yahoo, Ecosia, Duck Duck Go and all the other alternatives are using website speed as a ranking factor in how they rank websites.

It’s not just search engines saying they rank according to this but studies that prove it. Marketers have collected millions of data on the effect of site speed on ranking over the last decade and have categorically proved it works. Check out Backlinko’s data from 2019 for examples of the links.

Why Site speed is a ranking factor: In Detail

So, why do search engines place such emphasis on site speed?

User Experience

The most obvious answer to why site speed matters is that users like fast websites. If your website loads quickly, it can get users where they want to go quicker, leading them to perform the call to action you want. Search engines understand that a site that performs well for the end-user is one they want to recommend. So, a fast-loading web page is one of the best indicators of a great user experience.

Use of mobile devices

There is another practical reason for the focus on website speed, and that’s the increase in the use of mobile devices over the last decade. We’ve evened out on usage now, but in 2010 we were only just seeing the world turn into the smartphone device-wielding society it is today. Google and other big tech companies realised how quickly this sector would grow. So accessing a website quickly on mobile devices was a crucial element in pushing the focus on speed.

Accessible for the majority

In 2021, the percentage of households in the United Kingdom with access to either a fixed or mobile broadband connection increased to 89 percent. So, while the vast majority of people in the UK have access to it, hundreds of thousands still don’t. Plus, this stat is not to say that the internet they receive in their homes or out and about is consistent throughout. Google and other search engines rank on speed using the poorest internet markers rather than the best. This guarantees that those websites that work for everyone are put at the front of SERPs. So, be choosy with your speed testing, as just because your business broadband can access your website seamlessly, doesn’t mean others can.

Need more advice on technical SEO and Site Speed?

If you don’t know the first thing about website speed, technical SEO and how everything works behind the scene, get in touch. I offer friendly, transparent and research-driven consultancy as well as implementation. No hard sells, just honest advice to get you and your website where it needs to be. Check out my consultancy, SEO and website services, or get in touch today to arrange a meeting.

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