SEO for eco-friendly products

SEO for eco-friendly products

Creating a strategy around SEO for eco-friendly products is easy when you follow the same key principles of all SEO campaigns. Create quality content and copy that engages, informs, inspires and entertains your audience. As with all great SEO strategies, it always starts with research and understanding your audience. The benefit of producing SEO work for eco-friendly products is there are plenty of questions to answer and topics to explore. It’s easy to SEO your eco-friendly products when you are passionate about them.

How to SEO for eco-friendly products

If you’re an eco-friendly business with fantastic products that either help the planet or have a minimal impact, you can quickly build an SEO strategy for your e-commerce website.

Understand what values your target audience has

As with all great marketing campaigns, research is key when developing an SEO strategy. Understanding your target audience‘s values is a fundamental part of tailoring your marketing plan for your eco products. Ethical consumers have thought about different things above simply price and product specification. Their values and principles and how they apply them to their spending habits are essential to their buying process. As an eco-friendly business owner, you need to understand the main driving force behind your potential audience, and it’s not simply they want to buy eco-friendly products. Environmentally conscious consumers could be focused on:

  • Plastic-free, reduced packaging or product lifecycle
  • Animal rights and vegan products
  • Non-toxic ingredients or beneficial materials

Or, they could be dedicated to several causes with more emphasis on one or another. By understanding their values, you can evaluate the best way to appeal to these and how your products fit into the environmental shopping landscape.

Research the questions they ask

As these ethical consumers research their purchases with a thorough eco intent, they are more likely to spend more time asking questions about the products and goods they are looking for. As such, you want to provide the answers to their questions, providing valuable content and building trust. This is an essential part of content marketing and copywriting. You can build an SEO strategy that answers questions in an informative and engaging way. Eco consumers usually ask variations on the question; Is this product/ingredient/material good/bad for the environment? If you can provide this in a research-backed and transparent way, you will help that consumer make an informed purchasing decision.

Provide all the information they need

Once you understand your audience’s values and the questions they may ask, you can build all the information they need into your product pages. Your eco-friendly products are why people will buy from you, so ensure that you provide as much information as possible. This includes:

  • A full specification of the product ( dimensions, weight, colours etc.)
  • A complete description of its uses and benefits
  • Its eco credentials
  • FAQs about the product and use
  • Links to relevant articles, pages and research to back up your claims

The more copy you can include on your product descriptions the better. Learn how to write product descriptions that sell.

Guest Blog on relevant websites

Off-page SEO for eco-friendly products can be very effective when done correctly. Guest blogging is an especially useful tool for eco brands and environmentally conscious businesses. Guest blogging is simple to perform but can be challenging to implement. Read my complete guide here.

For eco-friendly products, the same rules apply to other products regarding guest blogging. Ensure that you are posting on relevant blogs for your niche. Are they businesses that uphold eco-friendly values and do their best to minimise environmental impact? If the answer is yes, it’s likely, that they will be attracting similar audiences to the ones you desire. You should also ensure that the website you post on has a high domain authority that will benefit your website. Guest blogging will attract eco-conscious readers to your site, but more beneficially, it will boost your domain authority and, therefore, page/site ranking on search engines.

Make sure your website works effectively

While SEO for eco-friendly products should place its primary focus on the copy and imagery on the product page, the whole site experience is just as necessary. Ensuring the user experience is streamlined is an essential part of SEO that is often overlooked. You can get all the people in the world to your site, but if it’s difficult to navigate, purchase or contact you, its all for nothing. Dedicate some of your SEO strategy to improving the look and functionality of your website. Maximising your UX is a surefire way of providing an awesome shopping experience for your ethical shoppers.

Content, Copy & SEO for Eco-Friendly products and businesses

If you’re interested in creating valuable content and copy with SEO for eco-friendly products, I can help. I offer SEO consultancy for ethical and eco-friendly businesses and provide one-off and monthly SEO and content services to get your products in front of the right people. As an ethical marketer, we can work together to ensure your products are marketed accurately and in the most environmentally friendly way possible. You won’t find any greenwashing here!

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