3 Non-Profit Marketing Ideas for 2022

3 Non-Profit Marketing Ideas for 2022

We are more than halfway through the year and 2022 has been a whole different change of pace from the previous two years. While it could be a fantastic year to grow as things open up, there is also a sense of worry still. With the cost of living crisis, ongoing issues from covid, the Russian war on Ukraine and a looming recession, non-profits need to work even harder to standard out from private corporations. Here are three non-profit marketing ideas for 2022 that you might not have started yet in your organisation. It’s never too late to start an effective marketing strategy.

Non-profit marketing ideas for growth in 2022

We know that non-profits are dedicated to making the world a bit place, whether for individuals or on a community level. Utilising marketing as a business would, is vital to growing your organisation and helping as many people as possible. But, you don’t need to compromise on your ethics to promote your organisation. I have plenty of resources on ethical marketing to make sure you advertise in line with your values. Check out the Ethical Marketing Category, or start with one of these articles if you’d like to learn more.

Here are some specific marketing ideas for non-profits in 2022

Invest in Videos for social

Maintaining and producing quality content for social media is difficult but it can be a great way for non-profits to reach a wider audience. Younger generations are particularly invested in non-profits and many more people are looking to be more ethical consumers. So, by promoting your non-profit on social media, you can boost your profile for these people. But, a few nice photos on IG aren’t going to cut it these days. You’ve got to produce videos to be promoted by social media algorithms and keep audiences engaged.

YouTube, Instagram and TikTok are the primary social channels I would recommend for non-profits to look at. Their content is either wholly videos or has more focus on them today than previously (like Instagram). Videos should be fun, informative and inspiring, like all great content marketing. Utilising music, hopping on trending video styles and filming all aspects of your non-profit will keep viewers engaged and coming back for more. Some great examples of non-profits using social videos effectively include:

Start or Restart Events

Now that things have opened up again, we’ve seen many businesses and organisations start to run events again in 2022. If you’re a non-profit, take advantage of the excitement to attend events and put on your own. Hopefully, you were doing events before the pandemic, and if you were, now is the time to restart them if you haven’t already.

If you’ve never put on events then 2022 could be the year for you. As a non-profit, there are lots that you could do to promote your work. Festivals (even mini ones), workshops, film screenings, fundraisers, open days, attending conferences, collaborating with other businesses and non-profits or event hosting a celebratory party. Many non-profits rely on a strong local base, so ensure your in-person events are promoted well in advance and to the right people in your area.

I’ve seen some great examples recently in my city of Sheffield, including;

Concoct a consistent content calendar

This piece of advice is nothing new but I always highlight it no matter the time of the year. Creating a consistent content calendar for your marketing efforts is one of the top priorities non-profits should focus on. Whether consistently blogging, producing videos or creating a newsletter, frequency ensures your audience remembers you and keeps you at the forefront of their mind. It’s a ‘dull’ but important non-profit marketing idea that should always be considered.

Check out ideas for producing consistent content in this article about Marketing New Year Resolutions 2022.

Hire an Ethical Freelance Marketing Consultant for your Non-Profit

If need non-profit marketing ideas, get in touch for a no-obligation discussion. I’m a friendly marketing consultant who offers clear, transparent advice with no hard sales. Not sure where to start when looking for a freelance marketing consultant, read this. Check out my services to see what else I offer.

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