How to Write Service Pages

How to Write Service Pages

For b2b businesses, how to write service pages can be a tricky task. You know how fantastic your services are, but you may find it difficult to articulate them on paper. Your website is the window into your organisation and where most of your potential clients will seek to learn about you. For most owners or salespeople, they provide their best sales pitches face-to-face, but in an increasingly competitive digital world, you need to write a service page that wows without that person-to-person contact; here’s how.

Writing service pages

To write service pages, you must follow the rules of any good content marketing; educate, entertain and inspire! When you don’t focus on quality, unique content, your potential clients and leads will get bored or disheartened with your offering.

Research your ideal customer

Any great marketing strategy starts with research and understanding your ideal customer. If you don’t know who your target audience is, what they want, what they need and how you can solve these problems, you cannot make an impact with your copy. Before putting pen to paper, you must thoroughly understand your ideal client, so find your target audience by following the steps in my guide. You need to understand your business, do keyword and competition research, and look at social media and websites. If possible, interviewing existing and potential clients in your chosen demographic will give you the most valuable insights.

Understand SEO

While copy is a powerful tool on its own, if you don’t get any traffic to your site, it doesn’t matter how good it is. You need to have ample sessions on a site if you have any chance of growth, and to do that, you need search engine optimisation (SEO). If you don’t currently understand SEO basics, check out my article, what is SEO?.

Essentially, optimising your service pages with search engines in mind will generate more traffic to your site. Most importantly, this traffic will come from more qualified audiences who are actively searching for your services. If you understand what your audience is searching for relating to your services, you can write service pages that are relevant to their search queries. This will make search engines more likely to show your service page in results, making users more likely to click on a link to your website.

Creating valuable content

This has got to be the critical step in how to write service pages for your business. Many businesses fall into the trap of knowing their product too well. They will write service pages believing everyone already understands and is aware of their offering. Service page copy needs to be written not for the customer you have but for those you don’t. It must be easy to understand, explain your service in great detail and present the tangible benefits your offering has.

Another trap businesses fall into is writing dull and uninspiring copy. I am a great believer that even the most ‘boring’ of industries can be marketed effectively with great copy. This advice is all about avoiding pitfalls. Don’t use salesy or jargon language, avoid overuse of cliques and don’t just write the same thing every other tech company out there does. ‘We have great customer service’ is the bare minimum a customer would expect. Tell us how you provide excellent customer service, what past clients say and provide concrete evidence of your benefits.

Answer the questions

While on the topic of valuable content, the best way to write service pages is to answer the questions your potential customers need answering. From an SEO perspective, you need a bare minimum of 300 words per service page, but ideally, you’d be hitting 600+. I see many b2b businesses will pages that barely cover 150 words when they clearly have a lot more they could say.

Use your service pages to explain every single detail about your offering. From the technical aspects to the customer service process, there is a lot you should be writing about your services. Another fantastic way to boost word count while still providing valuable content is with FAQs. Not only does this answer a question for potential customers, it’s also somewhere existing customers can find info without wasting staff time.

Ensure the UX works

More is better when it comes to copy, but my only warning is that it must be presented in a way that doesn’t overwhelm the user. The user experience is paramount, so ensure your audience can easily access and evaluate content. If you are producing new content or adding to existing service pages, consider how more copy will impact the site’s look, structure and usability. You want to provide all the information search engines, and people need to evaluate your services but not at the detriment of a cluttered and dysfunctional site.

Service page copywriting services with Middleton Marketing

If you want me to write service pages which don’t suck, get in touch. One of my specialisms is writing b2b copy for services, and I have a great deal of experience in writing for even the most ‘boring’ of industries. I love learning about new businesses and am not daunted by becoming a mini expert in your field. If you struggle to write your service pages, it may be time for some outside help. Let’s see how we can grow your business together.

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