How To Get Into Freelance Content Marketing and Copy Writing

A illustration of flowers to represent how your organisation will bloom and grow with Middleton Marketing the freelance marketing consultant with a focus on eco-friendly work.

After the great resignation of 2020, we’ve seen more people wanting to get into freelance content marketing and copy writing. While it’s not as easy as many on social media make out, it can be a rewarding profession with many perks. With the potential for flexible hours, remote working and higher wages, many people are looking towards writing work that helps them live a better quality of life. But how do you get into freelance content writing in 2023? I have a few tips from my years as a prolific content creator.

What you need to get into freelance content marketing and copywriting

I want to reiterate that freelance work is not some magical career that is all sunshine and daisies. You must work hard to build a business, develop your skills and manage all the boring admin and finances while dealing with many different people. With that said, I love my job and the business I have built over the last few years, so I hope if you’re an inspiring writer, you can learn a few tips from me.

A passion for your craft

It would be best if you enjoyed your work as a freelancer because there is no one to be accountable to except yourself. You must drag yourself out of bed in the morning, so having something you are excited to do is necessary. If content and copy are what you want to do, it must thrill you somehow. For some, it’s the writing process and developing their writing style. For others, it’s how it helps businesses grow their brand. Others love the learning aspect and researching new topics every day. At the same time, some enjoy the design aspects of putting together documents and web pages. For me, I love that my writing skills translate into tangible gains for businesses. Nothing is more satisfying than seeing direct sales from a well-written blog post.

The discipline to practice

For any writing profession, you need to practice day in and day out. Not only will this improve your grammar, spelling and flow, but it will also help you develop a unique style. With the rise of AI-generated content, writers need to stand out from the robots by continuing to be humans and not machines. Good copy and content take time; the only way to continue offering this service is by being your best. To do this, you must always write and hone your skills. For more tips, please read my article on How to improve your blog writing skills.

Understanding editing & feedback

No piece is written perfectly; you shouldn’t write a piece and immediately send it off. Editing is just as crucial for freelance content marketing and copy writing. Editing, either from yourself or someone else, will rectify issues in spelling and grammar but will also highlight where your writing may become unclear. Often as writers, we assume that people are familiar with the subject matter we are discussing, but this is rarely the case. Editing allows us to revisit a piece and see if the content covers all the points we need to hit. The same goes for feedback from your clients; you need to be open to what they are saying and adjust your copy in line with their brand. However, don’t be afraid to push back if you believe specific wording has essential value, such as for SEO purposes.

A niche to explore

Like my first point about a passion for your craft, choosing a niche can be essential for any freelance writer. Selecting a niche can help you in several ways. One, if it’s something you enjoy exploring, it can make your writing more passionate and exciting to read. Secondly, it can help you focus on a specific industry or client type, making your own marketing and sales more focused. Lastly, the more you research and learn in your niche, the better your content will be. Finally, becoming a mini expert in a field through your writing is a surefire way to gain more clients and continue to sharpen your craft.

A great portfolio

If you are starting out, then you must build a portfolio. But how can you do that if you don’t have any clients? It’s easy; you write for the clients you want and then use that as examples. I would always recommend building a small website to promote your services. A one-page site that is well-designed and well-written provides you with a professional shop front for any would-be clients. Explain your services, experience and industry specialisms with examples, and then you can use the website as a basis for your promotion. PDFs of your work are particularly helpful, too, as you can send these via email or social media. If you want to write web page copy, create examples of this for the industry you are most interested in. If content marketing blogs are where you want to focus, choose a sector you are familiar with and write some awesome blogs for it.

While you should always be paid for your work, doing some free commissions that would bolster your portfolio can be helpful. For example, if you have friends or family with a business website, you can offer to create some copy or content for them and then use this as an example in your portfolio. If you have zero clients, you still need to write to improve your writing and help build the sparse portfolio.

An understanding of SEO

While this depends on the medium you create your writing, understanding SEO is an excellent asset for any freelance content marketing or copywriter working in the digital field. Basic knowledge of SEO (i.e. Search Engine Optimisation) is crucial for many online writers, primarily if their writing is hosted on their client’s website. If you don’t have any experience with SEO but think it could aid your freelancing, check out my SEO basics section on the blog or start with this article, What is SEO?

Freelance Content marketing & copywriting from Middleton Marketing

If you came here looking to hire someone for freelance content marketing and copy writing, then I can help. I offer a range of copy and content marketing services for charities, non-profits and ethical businesses in the UK. With 8+ years of experience in the marketing industry, I have a wealth of experience in honest digital services. I can assist with blogs, articles, web page copy, product page descriptions, white papers, case studies and any other copy you require for your website or marketing campaigns. Check out my content & copy services to learn more.

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