Free Charity Website – A Middleton Marketing & Instadesign Collaboration

Free Charity Website – A Middleton Marketing & Instadesign Collaboration

I’ve always nailed my colours to the mast when it comes to environmental and social justice. As a business owner, there is a greater social responsibility held by my professional self than in my personal life because it’s organisations and businesses that have the greatest impact on our world. While I may be a small, one-person band, I can make a positive impact on the world around me. And that impact can be extended further with community effort and collaboration. This is why I am pleased to offer a free website to one lucky charity in Sheffield in collaboration with the talented Henry Roberts of Instadesign, a freelance design practice. If you work with or know a charity that is in need of a website or design refresh, read on to find out more.

Free Charity Website Offer

Our offer includes the following for one charity;

  • A free brochure website of up to 6 pages which may include a blog.
  • Full design with up to 1 design revision with the supply of free stock images if required.
  • Full development and testing of the site.
  • Implementing content & copy and basic information and SEO features such as titles and meta descriptions.
  • Full training via video call.

This type of brochure website will provide the basic areas a small charity would need to provide all the information needed for their clients, stakeholders and staff. However, the website build can include additional functionality, and we can provide further services for your needs at an additional fee. Extra features you may want to add could include:

  • Advanced functionality, such as shops and donation payments
  • Additional pages
  • Additional revisions
  • Branding and logo design
  • Copywriting services
  • Paid stock imagery

Terms & Conditions

The charity must abide by the terms and conditions in a general website design contract but some of the key terms specifically for the free website include the following:

  • The client must provide access to Google Analytics (Other analytics where available), Google Search Console and their existing website (if applicable).
  • The client must answer all requests for information and feedback promptly; if the project extends beyond the agreed timeframe because of no communication, a fee may be charged.
  • The build will occur over a period of 3 months (longer if additional requirements are needed).
  • The client may have 1 design revision; additional revisions will incur a fee.

Who Can Apply & How To Apply?

The following criteria must be applicable to apply for the free charity website.

  • Any Registered Charities in Sheffield and the South Yorkshire Region.
  • As a main contact, you must have the authority of the charity to apply and see the project through.
  • While all charities are welcome to apply, we are particularly interested in supporting charities working on food, poverty and environmental causes.

To apply, simply fill in the enquiry form below.


    Who Will Be Chosen, & What Will The Process Be?

    The successful charity will be chosen by myself and Henry by the end of October 2023. The charity will be one that we can fully support as an organisation, and one we feel will benefit greatly from a new or rebuilt website. Once chosen, the basic process will be as follows:

    1. The charity will be informed they’ve won and will be invited to a discovery call to discuss the website in more detail, including goals, design ideas and functionality.
    2. We will produce a proposal to cover everything discussed in the meeting, which the charity will sign to confirm the project.
    3. A schedule for work will be shared, and design work will begin.
    4. The charity will review designs.
    5. The site will be built in a demo area, and the charity will be able to access it to provide feedback.
    6. After review, any final changes will be made, and the site will be made live.
    7. Training will be provided and the project signed off
    8. You enjoy your brand new website and carry on doing good in the world.

    About This Collaboration

    Henry and Lorna have been collaborating on web projects together since early 2022, including the new Mark Devereux Projects website. We are both passionate advocates for making marketing and web development inclusive, ethical and green. Our work spans from the full design process to the nitty gritty technical work that makes websites super fast.

    Middleton Marketing

    I’m a freelance marketing consultant that helps ethical organisations grow without compromising their ethics. I work with companies, charities and social enterprises to expand their brand awareness through SEO, content, copy and website improvements. My focus is always on providing valuable digital services which are ethical, inclusive, accessible and eco-friendly. I’ve worked with some great Sheffield-based organisations, such as ShefFood, Tipple Tails Fruit Cake and The Yorkshire Print Company,

    Henry Roberts – Instadesign

    With over 15 years of commercial design experience, Henry can handle virtually any design or web development task you can think of, from a logo or business card to a custom ecommerce platform and everything in between. He’s worked with some fantastic charities and non-profits, including Regather, Education and Training Foundation and The Children’s Society.

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