Content Marketing Sheffield: Ideas for the Steel City

Content Marketing Sheffield: Ideas for the Steel City

If you’re a Sheffield business looking for content marketing ideas, this is the niche article for you. As a content marketer and freelance SEO consultant based in Sheffield, I work with many local businesses to boost their presence online through local SEO and content marketing. This article highlights how content marketing can be applied to local Sheffield and South Yorkshire organisations; however, it is also an excellent example for any local business no matter where you are in the country.

Content Marketing for Sheffield Businesses

The fundamentals of content marketing are all about providing quality, informative content to your desired audience. Looking at content marketing at a local level means you can hone your strategy even further and attract a ready audience in your locational community. While I will focus on Sheffield, the same rules apply to any local-based business.

Understand your local audience

This is the starting point for any marketing strategy. If you don’t understand your audience, you cannot market effectively. This is even more apparent when targeting a specific geographical demographic. People from Sheffield are different from people in Portsmouth. The variations in language, desires, needs and cultural norms are surprisingly vast in this small country. So, it’s vital you understand what makes the people of Sheffield tick if you want to advance your organisation in the city. Once you know who you are producing content for, you can create copy and imagery that resonates with them. The subtle differences you implement for local content will help you build your community in your city.

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Take advantage of Sheffield’s local events & community

What makes content marketing effective is connecting with your audience and offering them something they find helpful. If you can create articles or social posts that entertain, inform or inspire your target market, you will build trust and eventually sales. To use this to your advantage in a Sheffield content marketing strategy, include content related to the city. Discuss local history, events, campaigns and cultural touchpoints. Here are some examples:

  • Events. Tramlines Festival, Sheffield Food Festival, World Snooker Championships, Doc Fest
  • Local History and landscape. The City of Steel, industrial heritage, the brewing industry, music scene and the greenest city in Europe.
  • Campaigns. The Outdoor City, Bears of Sheffield,
  • Cultural Touchpoints. Henderson’s Relish, Sheffield United, Sheffield Wednesday, Steel, jewellery making and cutlers and the Full Monty.

Promote others in the city

Another way to boost local interest is to connect with other organisations and businesses in the city. Marketing shouldn’t always be about me, me, me. You need variety in your subject matter and it pays to shine a spotlight on other companies. This is especially true if they are targeting a similar audience but don’t provide the exact same product or service. Bars pair with mobile caterers, clothing stores work with jewellers and manufacturers can match with disposal experts. If you share the good news about other organisations, they will do the same in return, expanding your brand awareness and theirs simultaneously.

Freelance Content Marketing Sheffield

If you like the sound of content marketing geared towards your Sheffield audience, let’s work together. As a Sheffield-based freelance content marketer who has lived in the city for close to a decade, I understand and appreciate the unique Sheffield landscape. Get in touch with me to check availability and see how we can grow your Sheffield organisation together. Check out my portfolio to see some of the organisations I’ve worked with.

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