Why Every Business Needs to Address the Climate Crisis. Including Freelancers

Why every business needs to address the climate crisis. Including freelancers

As an ethical marketer, one of my business principles is to tackle/reduce my impact on the climate crisis. I believe that it is the responsibility of companies, as much as individuals and governments, to be better and do better. Tackling the climate emergency is doable but it needs collective action.

Why Businesses Should Tackle the Climate Emergency

Here’s why businesses should fight against climate change including if you’re a one-person team.


This is the simplest of reasons but the most ethically driven. It’s our own responsibility as intelligent creatures to be caretakers of this world. We have the brain and the brawn to look after the planet and we should because our actions make a great impact on society and the earth.

90 companies around the world have been responsible for nearly two-thirds of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from 1880 to 2010. While it’s unlikely your business is making a massive blip compared to these huge companies, it will still add to the emissions. If we all do our bit, we will reduce our emissions and showcase to others that it is possible. While many major companies are gluttons for greenwashing, consumers’ voices are speaking up about wanting action from major players.


Businesses have more power to make an impact than an individual. Collective action is what’s needed to address the climate crisis. A company that goes net-zero, switches to an electric fleet or off-sets their staff’s emissions can have a greater impact than just the one member of staff doing these. When campaigns and actions are performed top-down, they become part of company culture and can be achieved quicker.


A company can have a bigger reach than an individual. SMEs with a large customer list, social media following or many sales have more opportunities to convince others of changing their actions. An individual could post on Facebook that they’ve gone vegan for environmental reasons, reaching only their Facebook friends list. A company with a Facebook page can broadcast they are switching their canteen to plant-based for the same reason but they’ll reach maybe a few thousand Facebook followers plus members of the public that haven’t liked them yet. Businesses, organisations and influencers can make a huge impact just by utilising their following effectively.


Ethical consumers matter more and more. By dedicating time, money and actions to tackling the climate crisis in your business you can grow your customer base in the ethical consumer sector. While it shouldn’t be the primary reason for doing eco-actions, why wouldn’t a business wish to grow in an ethical way? Your green actions can be used to market your company and showcase how trustworthy you are as a business. You can advertise your green credentials on:

  • Social media posts and campaigns, highlighting improvements or accreditations.
  • An environmental policy on your websites to display what you pledge to do as a company and how you enact it.
  • Blog posts as part of your content marketing strategy.
  • Web page, especially if relevant to your goods and services.


Sadly, to end on a bit of a downer, if we don’t take action we face destruction and death. The climate crisis is real, it’s here already but we have the option to mitigate it. What will you do as a business today to tackle the climate emergency?

If you’d like to learn more about ethical marketing, head to my blog. Not only do I teach practical and ethical SEO, content and digital skills, but I also write extensively about ethical business and ethical marketing strategies.

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