Business Blogging – What are its benefits

Business Blogging - someone writing a blog on a laptop with mobile phone and notebooks on desk

Content marketing is an essential part of digital marketing today, and blogging is the key part for most content marketing strategies. The benefits of business blogging are numerous, all of which boil down to a great return on investment. If you still haven’t started blogging on your site, read on to find out why you should.

What are the benefits of business blogging

The benefits of business blogging fall into three distinct benefits. Brand nurturing, engagement creating and traffic improvements. All of these will help increase your chance of success when it comes to gaining new customers and more sales.

Improve your SEO and traffic

One of the biggest benefits of business blogging is its ability to improve your site’s search engine optimisation. By using blogs to talk about your products and services in a direct and indirect way, you can get your site to rank higher on search engine result pages (SERPs). By blogging about your industry, you can rank on SERPs for what your potential customers are looking for. Not only will your blogs appear in SERPs but other pages on your site, such as product pages, can also be more likely to be ranked if your content is working effectively. When your content starts to appear more prominently on search engines, you will gain more traffic. Read more about how content marketing works from an SEO perspective.

Business blogging builds your brand culture

When producing consistent blogs in terms of tone of voice, topic and frequency, you start to build a brand entity for both search engines and website users. Sticking to your brand is essential to growth. It helps people recognise you more rapidly which means they can then focus on your messaging rather than trying to figure out who you are as a company. Business blogging allows you to cultivate your brand in a written way, although images in your blog can also help display this too.

Become an industry expert

Business blogging allows your company to stand out as an industry expert. By writing comprehensively about the topics your customers are interested in, you will showcase your expertise and knowledge in your niche. This works for B2C as well as B2B. By displaying your knowledge, you will show your company as trustworthy and able to solve the issues or needs your clients have.

Connect with new and existing customers

Not only does business blogging build trust from a knowledge perspective but also from a familiar one. When you consistently produce blogs in your tone, you will build relationships with your readers you might not have expected. Blogs, especially if they frequently feature staff and news, can connect you to your customers and help them put a face to a business.

Increase social shares and engagement

Quality content will get more shares than poor content. By producing shareable, quality content, you increase the chances of it being shared and going viral. It will also help you produce a quality backlink profile that is another way to improve your SEO

Create Customers

With the above benefits, it won’t be long till your business receives the ultimate benefit, more customers. Content will draw more traffic through SEO and social media. You will then build trust and brand recognition through quality content. Your readers will then trust you when it comes to making that purchase or engaging your services. All marketing campaigns are about return on investment and business blogging has one of the highest ROIs. According to Hubspot, Marketers who prioritised blogging received 13X more ROI than companies that did not in 2019. With stats like that, you can see why blogging is the go-to tool for many marketers.

Start business blogging

If you are looking to reap the benefits of business blogging, then I can help. I can create you a bespoke package that focuses on quality content that will improve your site SEO. Remember that blogging isn’t the only content you can produce. There are many other written, visual and audible pieces of content that you can utilise for digital marketing and I can help you create these aspects too. Read more about my SEO services and content creation services, or get in touch if you have any questions. Let’s grow your business together.

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