Best SEO Freelancer? Could It be Me?

Best seo freelancer in Sheffield

This article is a shameless advertisement for my SEO services! Honesty is part of my ethos and it wouldn’t be honest to say that this article wasn’t intended to show you my skills as an SEO freelancer. Am I the best SEO freelancer? Well, that entirely depends on you as a client, what you want to achieve and how to achieve it. I’m confident in my skills but finding an SEO freelancer is also about matching those skills to the right situation. This guide will discuss some of the key things to look for when selecting the best SEO freelancer for your business.

What makes the Best SEO Freelancer?

There are millions of businesses in the world and as an SEO expert, I would say that the vast majority could benefit from SEO. But would I want to work with them all? No. Would they want to work with me? No. And that’s not actually a bad thing. Anyone working is doing so for reasons specific to their own situations. I want to work with specific clients with websites and industries that I know I can improve and help grow their business. Businesses that want to work with me are looking for my particular skills and experience and are happy with my rates. What makes the best SEO freelance is the one that fits best with your company.

The Right Skills

Every SEO is different. Some love the off-page link building strategies. Others are technical SEO whizzes. Others will focus on consultancy and strategy. I provide a full skill set service, but I am passionate about content marketing and on-page SEO for B2B and e-commerce. Your business needs the right skills for your company’s situation, so it’s about finding the best SEO freelancer with the appropriate skills.

But, how do you know what skills to look for? One way to understand what you need, without committing to monthly work, is to get an SEO audit. A quality audit can be performed by an SEO consultant/freelancer. It should show the work that needs to be done on your site. Many SEOs provide this service without further obligation. This allows the client insight into work needed as well as showcasing how the freelancer works. I offer SEO audits, as well as content and website audits as a one-off or as the starting point for my monthly SEO packages.

The Right Industry

A core skill of the best SEO freelancers will be research. It’s something I pride myself on and love being able to learn about new industries and sectors. But, sometimes, it’s great to find a freelancer that is well versed in your industry. Some freelancers have a highly specific niche such as beauty bloggers or events PR. Others have a broader focus on industry types such as B2B or eCommerce.

Asking potential freelancers where their experience lies is a good way to gauge their ability to adapt to your company’s sector. I have extensive experience in highly technical B2B and non-profit content marketing. With knowledge in telecoms, IT, construction, marketing, food production. I also am very adept at on-page and technical SEO for B2C eCommerce sites for household goods and consumer choices.

The Right Working Style

A freelancer may have the experience and skills to fit with your business needs but the best SEO freelancer is one you can work with effectively. Anyone you welcome to your team, even as an outside contractor, needs to understand how you and your staff work, how your business operates and fits with your ethos.

I want to be an extension of your team, rather than just a contractor, so I fit with clients that need or like my working style. For me, that means matching up with my ethos. My clients want a freelancer that is ethical in their campaigns, reliable in timings, research-driven and honest about results and actions. All of my customers are hard-working, busy people with a lot on their plates. I provide as hands-off a service as possible, so my clients can focus on their business. Talking to an SEO about their approach to work is as important as the skills they bring to the table.

Am I the best SEO freelancer for your business?

If you like what you read and think we’d be a good match, get in touch. But, if you’re still not sure about hiring, find out why choosing an SEO freelancer could be right for your company. If on the other hand, you don’t think we are the right fit together, check out my guides on how to hire an SEO freelancer and what to look for when hiring a freelance marketing consultant. Both articles will help you find the right kind of freelancer for your situation. Plus, they’ll help you avoid the pitfalls of scammers and the under-experienced.

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