5 Key Benefits of White Papers for Marketing

Benefits of white papers - woman writing a white paper for it's benefits to marketing and business growth

Content marketing covers a wide variety of content and copy types, including white papers. Unlike blogs and articles, which are usually shorter, more informal pieces, white papers are much more complex pieces of work. This article will explain the benefits of white papers and why you should consider adding them to your marketing strategy.

What is a White Paper?

A white paper is a report or guide that educates the reader about a complex issue or topic. It is meant to help the audience understand an issue, solve a problem, or make a decision. Frequently seen in business to business marketing, they can also be used in business to consumer spaces too. Here are a few ideas as examples:

  • B2B white paper + Industry examples
    • Explaining how a piece of technology works and how it could benefit your business. (e.g. telecoms, IT, software, accounting)
    • Discussing a law or regulation in more detail and how a business can comply (e.g. solicitors, insurance, property, marketing)
    • Comparing different products and services to encourage a decision (e.g. Office or factory equipment, software, transport)
  • B2C White Paper Ideas + Industry Examples
    • Explanation and benefits of product and service types (e.g. retail, hospitality, services)
    • Discussion of trends and design styles (e.g. fashion, art, home decor)
    • Explanation of materials and/or ingredients ( e.g. health & beauty, food & beverages

Benefits of White Papers

A white paper is an investment, it’s a piece of work that will stand alone to produce some great marketing results. These are the reasons why white papers are so important for your business.

Builds Trust through Knowledge

Consumers have thousands of options out there to choose from, so they want to know they are making the right choice when they finally make a decision. One way to convince your audience that you are the right business is to showcase your expertise. A well written white paper will show those expertise. A white paper is all about being informative and educational. It’s about providing a lot of information in an easy to digest way to help your audience make a decision. The more quality white papers you have on your website the more you are displaying your knowledge and experience to your audience.

Can boost your SEO

You can write your white paper with SEO in mind and boost your organic search traffic. Evidence suggests that a longer a piece of content is more likely to rank. As most white papers tend to be several thousand words, it is likely to be beneficial to your site optimisation. If the piece is educational and informative, users and more likely to link to it, improving your SEO further.

Opportunity to Build an Email List

Another tactic to boost your white papers marketing potential is to build an email list from it. You can gatekeep a whitepaper by asking readers to submit their email before accessing it. Of course, you must adhere to GDPR rules and only market to them if they have provided consent. But, by providing free, quality content through your white papers, readers are more likely to agree to receive marketing collateral from your company. If you are considering gating your white papers, read up on the implications for your SEO to ensure you get the best of both worlds.

Turns Leads into Customers

White papers draw more traffic and educate your audience on complex issues. Because of these two points, they are adept at turning leads into customers. White papers sit at the bottom end of sales funnels. They are one of the final pieces of copy that a customer will likely look at before deciding to make the call or not. So, if the user is at the point of reading your white papers, they are certainly interested in your offering. You just need to ensure the white paper answers all the questions they need to make the final decision.

Educate and Upsell to your customers

White papers are not just about gaining new customers, they can be a tool to convert existing customers into brand ambassadors. Consistently producing white papers shows that your take your business and industry seriously. You are displaying to your customers that you and your staff are the experts and continue to improve your services and/or products. White papers can also educate your existing customers on how to interact with your services. They also provide an opportunity to upsell new services to your existing customer base.

Create A White Paper

Each and every white paper will be different based on the company, topic and industry. It all starts with creating a plan. Get in touch with me today, to discuss your white paper needs. I am an experienced content and copywriter and I can help you boost your business through white papers. Read more about my content and copy services here. Reap the benefits of white papers in your business this year.

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