Are SEO courses worth it?

Are seo courses worth it

If you’re a freelance SEO, a marketer in a business or are looking to get into the SEO industry, you may be wondering, are SEO courses worth it? There are hundreds to choose from, with free and paid options. Some are intense digital courses, while others are long term commitments. They can be a great place to start if you’re looking to boost your SEO knowledge, but they aren’t for everyone. I’ll be discussing digital courses that do not carry formal qualifications. Degree level courses are a whole different ball game. Here’s my take on whether SEO courses are worth it.

Are SEO courses worth the hype?

My short personal answer to the question is that they are worth it but for the correct type of person. Not everyone learns in the same way, so courses may not be for everyone. But, they do provide a structure and framework that can be helpful when you are first starting. Plus, as search engines advance and SEO develops, they can be beneficial to keep on top of changes in the industry.

You’re just starting out

Basic SEO courses are a great starting point for new SEO and inexperienced marketers. Most straightforward and free SEO courses provide a comprehensive overview of SEO basics. These building blocks are vital to establishing as all developments work towards them. To start SEO work, you only need to understand the fundamental aspects. Most SEO skills are from experience, so an SEO course is excellent to start if you don’t have any yet.

That’s how you learn best

If you enjoy formal learning, a course can provide you with the proper structure to advance. For example, some people favour trial and error, getting their hands dirty immediately, but others prefer to know the concepts behind their work. If that’s how you learn best, then start with a course. It will hold you accountable and keep you focused on an end goal. However, practical implementation is also essential, so choose an SEO course with inbuilt tests or practical exercises.

You choose the right course

This brings us nicely to choosing the right course. The main factors which will determine course selection are; cost, subject matter and skill level. Free classes are great to start with as they often discuss introductory topics. Paid courses tend to be more advanced and are suited to SEO with established experience. However, high costs don’t always mean high education, so look at reviews and get recommendations from others in your industry before paying for high-end courses.

Of course, SEO is a vast topic, so there are countless SEO categories to explore. If you feel you already know the basics, you may choose a course which focuses on a particular aspect, such as off-page SEO or content marketing. Furthermore, you may opt for a more advanced course once you feel you’ve established the fundamentals.

Refreshing your knowledge

While introductory courses are primarily focused on those new to SEO, I think it can be equally crucial for established SEOs to check them out. This may seem odd to suggest, but here are some key reasons why getting back to basics can boost your work.

  • No one should ever think they are so good in their industry that they can’t learn anything from the little folk. Going back to basics can keep you humble.
  • People forget things. Sometimes you work with particular systems for so long because of client or project requirements that you can sometimes forget essentials; a course can refresh this knowledge.
  • SEO isn’t static; it changes every day. So by reviewing even a simple course today, you may find there have been updates to best practices you weren’t aware of.
  • It can help you look at problems uniquely. Sometimes you can be stuck on an issue and can’t figure it out; going back to basics is one way to make sure you’ve covered all the classic bases.

Doing a beginner SEO course doesn’t make you a lousy SEO; it means you are actively learning day in and day out. While courses aren’t for everyone, researching and learning are the core skills you need for SEO, so SEO courses can be one branch of this exploration.

SEO Courses

The most well-known introductory course is Fundamentals of digital marketing by Google. It covers all digital marketing aspects but primarily relates them to Google, i.e. search engines. I took this course six years into my career, and while I was very familiar with the subject matter, I was surprised to learn a few new things.

SEO software companies often provide other introductory SEO courses. So selecting a course from your existing SEO software provider is a great place to start, as you can view the platform alongside and use it effectively. Here are a few I’ve worked on or been recommended.

If you’re looking for more advanced courses, I’d recommend checking out platforms such as:

I hope you’ve found this a helpful article. Get in touch if you are a business owner or staff member looking to implement SEO but are not sure you have the time to learn it all. I can provide consultancy, training and implementation. We can work together to find an approach that works for you, your business and your staff.

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