Freelance Marketing Consultancy & Reporting

Freelance marketing consultancy for charities, non-profits, social enterprises and independent, ethical businesses.

Marketing Consultancy

What a Freelance SEO consultancy can provide

If you are looking for ongoing marketing consultancy to aid your staff I can help. I can advise on SEO, content, website design and development but I am also able to provide recommendations social media, PPC, email, marketing legalities and anything else I believe would aid your business.

What reporting is included in services?

Depending on the services you decide to choose, I will supply you with reports to show you your successes and where we could make improvements. Analysis and reporting is the most important part of my service. If you don’t know what you’ve done or where you are going you will never grow. Each report will show what work has been accomplished, the key metrics from your site and an action plan for the months to come.

One Off Consultancy & Reporting Services

Audits & Reports

  • Full SEO Audit
  • Technical SEO mini audit
  • Off-page SEO mini audit
  • On-page SEO mini audit
  • Content Audit & calendars
  • Website Marketing Analysis


  • SEO Strategy
  • Content Marketing Strategy
  • Comms Strategies
  • Staff Training & Work Editing

Marketing isn’t about pulling the wool over someone’s eyes, its about making connections and adding value. Marketing is just good customer service.

“We can only say good things about Lorna. Her work on our website, search engine optimisation and digital marketing strategy have been instrumental to our growth over the last six years. Her work has paid for itself many times over.”

Bill Jackson
Managing Director – VIP VoIP

“I really enjoy working with you, I think that you have a real in-depth knowledge and do very clear research about what we are working on and a real patience, both in terms of recognising the challenges of what we are working with and responding quickly when it has to change”.

Selina Treuherz
Partnership Coordinator – ShefFood

FAQs about Freelance Consultancy Services

What are your consultancy prices?

It all depends on how involved you want me to be. We can have one meeting a month to check in on your progress and offer advice on what you are doing. Alternatively, I can offer a more hands-on approach, setting tasks, reviewing work and editing. In our initial discovery meeting, which is entirely free of charge, I will help you understand what support you need and in what areas.

Can’t I do it all myself? Why would I need a freelance marketing consultant?

Absolutely, If you feel confident in your marketing efforts or team, I might not be the right fit, but for some organisations, It can help. Here are a few scenarios where a freelance marketing consultancy service could help your organisation.

– Your marketing staff aren’t trained in SEO or content and need guidance.
– You know how to implement web changes, write content and produce copy but are unsure of the long-term SEO strategy.
– You work best with outer accountability. For small businesses, where you wear many hats, it can be difficult to stay focused on the task. A consultant can provide that focus and motivation.

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