Case Study: Content, Technical SEO and On-page Copy for Eco-Friendly ECommerce Brand

Sustainable SEO for Eco-Friendly Stationery Shop

  • Project Type: One-Off SEO Project
  • Customer Type: E-Commerce
  • Industry: Stationary
  • Niche: Eco-friendly
  • Year: 2022

This case study has been anonymised to protect my client’s information

Content & SEO Campaign for Eco ECommerce Shop

A new eco-friendly brand contacted me for help with its website’s SEO strategy. Their website was a year old and had not gained much traction in its first months, so the owners were looking to expand their audience by developing the SEO of the site and increasing sales for their eco-friendly and green products.


The main challenge for this brand was that they were in a very competitive industry with big, non-eco-friendly brands dominating the online visibility for this niche. They also had a new website and domain with minimal traffic and no previous SEO work completed.

Suggested Solutions

All good campaigns start with a full review of what’s working and what is, so I suggested we conduct a full SEO audit to see what areas need to be addressed. Following the audit, we would work on the site’s main technical issues, provide on-page optimisation and copy, and create 3 months’ worth of articles for their new blog.


As with all SEO clients, I conducted a complete SEO audit of their site, including website analysis, technical review, off-page analysis, competitor examination, and keyword research. We had several meetings to go through the audit in detail and discuss the plan of action for the other parts of the project. I then actioned everything we discussed.

This included updating 150+ products in line with a keyword strategy, modifying various design aspects to improve the UX of the site, editing the site structure for crawling best practices and recommendations on future changes to improve speed. I also created SEO-optimised copy for all main information pages and category pages and optimised each page. While modifications to the website design were not in the remit of the project, I did offer extensive guidance on the best layout for the new copy, including wireframes. All work was recorded, and a final SEO review was undertaken to showcase improvements

The content for blogs was created in line with the keyword plan with the tone dictated by the company’s brand guidelines. We had several reviews to ensure the client was happy with the content and how it reflected their brand. Each blog was written, optimised and scheduled with a featured image and all metadata included. 12 blogs were created in total, 1 for each week over 3 months. As part of the handover meeting, I offered further advice on continuing blogging after this 3 month period and how best to write and structure blog articles.


For a one-off project that took place over a short period, I achieved considerable improvements in the site. Between the main implementations going live and a final review, which was only one week, we already saw drastic changes in the keyword rankings due to the copy and technical improvements.

Technical Score

The technical score improved from 77/100 to 86/100

Domain Authority improved from 2 to 7

Keyword Rankings & Impressions

The average keyword ranking improved from 53 to 25

A 384.076% increase in impressions on Google from 15,700 to 76,000

Organic Traffic

277.45% increase in organic traffic in the first 3 months after work was completed compared with the 10 months previously

No sales had come from Organic Search sources in the previous 10 months; in the 3 months after work was completed, there were 7 sales of 27 products. While a small amount, it’s a fantastic achievement for a website with zero initial traffic.

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