About Middleton Marketing

Middleton Marketing is an ethical, digital services agency focusing on SEO, Content, Copy & Web Services that are ethical, reliable and research-driven.

Freelance SEO Sheffield - Lorna Middleton of Middleton Marketing

Hi, I’m Lorna Middleton

Middleton Marketing is the name of my Freelance SEO Consultancy brand. I’m a dedicated and hardworking marketer with a broad range of skills. I’m imaginative and creative but always back up my processes and suggestions with thorough research and data-driven analysis. Marketing has a bad rap, and I can understand why. Many marketers and agencies use underhand and exploitative tactics to boost sales. I think we can do better, so I am committed to more ethical practices within my marketing. This includes a focus on environmental and social justice, including inclusive writing, accessible design and minimal impact on the planet.


Middleton Marketing – Owner, 2020 – present

Providing an ethical and SEO-focused approach to content marketing and website development for independent businesses, charities and social enterprises

Daffodil Marketing – Head of Marketing, 2016 – 2020

Managed a small team of creatives, strategising and implementing marketing, design and web projects for a large variety of companies.

Freelance – Digital Marketer, 2015 – 2016

Provided social media marketing, SEO and content writing for several companies.

Barker’s Furniture – Digital Marketer, 2014 – 2016

Developed and implemented a comprehensive digital marketing strategy which boosted the revenue on a new website


BA History – The University of Leeds, 2008 – 2011

I have always had a passion for History, and my degree allowed me to explore this fascination. Specialising in consumer goods and culture between the 18th and 20th Centuries, my key focus was food and drink, especially the brewing and pub industry. I gained an extensive academic background in research skills and analysis while preparing for discussions in seminars, writing essays and investigating my Dissertation topic. I succeeded in gaining a very respectable degree mark whilst working part-time 20 hours a week, enjoying a social life as well as being the President of a Society.

Middleton Marketing Skills & Ethos

Two small branches of thyme, an evergreen herb, which represents the reliability of my service and that i've yet to miss a deadline yet. A small sea shell sits next to the thyme plant which reflects the long experience I have

Practical Experience

8+ years of experience working within an agency, in-house and freelance setting and working for a diverse set of clients across both B2B and B2C industries and the third sector.

Research Focused

No matter the style or the type of copy, all my writing is thoroughly researched before putting my fingers on the keyboard. My work provides you with the content you need for your goals while ensuring your readers get accurate information that informs, educates or inspires action.

Sustainable, Evergreen SEO

SEO is ever-evolving, and it’s my job to ensure your SEO plan is sustainable over the long term. I combine technical SEO, on-page copy and consistent content marketing to ensure your organisation gets the most out of SEO, now and in years to come.

Reliable, Inclusive Copy

I am an enthusiastic writer with a wide range of copywriting styles that can help build brands or drive sales. With my research background, my writing is always confident and straightforward for readers of all types of audiences. I’ve never missed a deadline yet.

Conscious Website Builds

I’m highly experienced in website development and SEO for WordPress websites, including WooCommerce and most major web builders. I’m continually honing my craft, especially to make my websites more energy efficient and more accessible to all users.

Ethical & Eco-conscious

My ethics are at the core of my business, and I believe it’s better for businesses, customers and the world as a whole when we put principles above profits. I don’t do underhand traditional marketing tactics and always consider the ethical and environmental impact my work has on the world.

My Ethical & Environmental Commitments

I am committed to improving my ethical and environmental practices both as an individual and as a business. My core values include:

  • Marketing and promoting services in an ethical manner for both my own services and for my clients.
  • Reducing my energy consumption and environmental impact as a business and through the services I provide.
  • Use my platform to promote environmental causes and the work of charities, non-profit and businesses that put people before profits.
  • Continue to research, learn and apply new technologies and methods to continually improve my impact.

There is a number of suppliers and ethical groups I have signed up to; these include: EcoHosting (Affiliate Link), Fathom Analytics (Affiliate Link), The Ethical Move, Ecologi and The Sustainable Web Manifesto.

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